Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sample Resume Performance Management - 1706 Words

Assignment 2 NAME: MUHAMAD IHSAN HIZBULLAH KABILEN CHANDRASEGARAN 123981 SUBJECT: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CODE: MKT 202 DUE DATE: WEEK 11 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Executive summary 2 Issue: Documentation of the Problem 4 Emotional Intelligence Theory 5 Recommendation 7 Conclusion 7 Reference Lists 8 Introduction Performance Improvement Program Name of the employee: Hussein Ibrahim From: 1st June, 2016 To: 30th August, 2016 Re: Performance Improvement Program The purpose of this coaching program is to identify areas of concern, in Hussein Ibrahim’s work performance. The coaching program will give Hussain the opportunity to show commitment and improve on your overall performance. Identified Problems ïÆ'Ëœ Hussein Ibrahim has a human relations problem. ïÆ'Ëœ He also lacks sufficient skills required for effective planning, organizing and making judgments. ïÆ'Ëœ Hussein Ibrahim lacks a sufficient level of emotional intelligence, creativity and initiative. Executive summary Action Plan Hussein will attend training session for two hours from Monday to Thursday, for three months. This length of time will allow Hussain to learn in detail the accepted culture of the organisation and the performance level of that is expected from him. These trainings will start at three and end at five in the evening. TheShow MoreRelatedSample Resume : Performance Management Process Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesName: Instructor: Course: Date: Performance management process Identify the purpose of rating I am proposing the Behavioral Anchored Rating scales (BARS). This method mainly bases its evaluations on key and specific behaviors that are required for each employee position in the organization. BARS technique is designed to show the benefits of the quantitative and qualitative data in the performance appraisal process. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The American Dream - 1678 Words

The American Dream is an idea that has always been different throughouttime. It changes in diverse forms and in the end involves success. The American Dream was a phrase used by the American people and peoplewanting to become American. It was always the idea that you can become a success. This is true in a partial way, but the true American Dream is that with somework and determination anyone can build themselves up in the economic classsystem. The 80 s was an eye opener to a lot of new things, new music, new styles, new points of view on life and new technology. Music was a big hit for the 80 s and so was the technology. A home, family, job and fun was basically what everyone needed to live ahappy life. In the 80 s, people saw the American dream, as a simple task of success andthose years defined them. They were the generation in between differences and facing disagreement andnot turning our backs. The 80 s may have made them idealistic, but it s idealism that will push themand be passed on to their children, the first children of the twenty-first century. Yolanda McClain a 54 year old African American mother of 3 had a dream of providing for her 3 kids. Yolanda follows God with a social economic status of middle class her dream almost came true. Yolanda s first child finished school and now is enrolled in medical school. Yolanda quotes And the other two can t keep a job worth shit Christian and Muslim Aleshia Mcmath, a 39 year old mother with anShow MoreRelatedImmigrants And The American Dream1362 Words   |  6 PagesImmigrants and the American Dream In the article â€Å"The American Dream†, by James Truslow Adams in The Sundance Reader book, he stated that the American dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. 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Penguins Analysis Essay Example For Students

Penguins Analysis Essay I They are small white and black bird like creatures that live incold regions. Penguins are the most fascinating creature around. A Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head. Many species exhibit red, orange, or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are placed far back on their bodies, penguins assume an upright posture. B Penguins are grouped into 18 species and 6 genera, most ofwhich are found in Antarctica and on subantarctic islands.Others are native to the coasts of Australia, South Africa, and South America and to the Galapagos Islands. C The largest species are the king penguin, from 36 to 38 inches in height, and the emperor penguin, which may attain a height of more than 48 inches. Both species are found on the Antarctic ice barrier. The king penguin is also found in Tierra del Fuego and on eight islands in the southern hemisphere. The smallest penguin is the little blue penguin of Australia and New Zealand; its height is 16 inches or less. Unlike most species, the king, emperor, and little penguins have blue-gray backs. Another distinguishing feature of the king and emperor penguins is the presence of bright reddish or pinkish shields on the sides of their mandibles and large orange or yellow patches on the sides of their necks. D Although descended from flying ancestors, penguins havebecome highly specialized for swimming; their stiffly held wings resemble the paddles of other swimming vertebrates. Penguins do not have specific feather tracts, as do mostbirds, but are covered almost uniformly with small, scalelike feathers. Whereas most birds shed their feathers and grow new ones during a relatively long period of theyear, penguins molt all of their feathers and, in somespecies, even shed the shields from the beak within a shortspace of time. A molting penguin has a swollen, untidyappearance; it loses its feathers in huge patches as newfeathers appear. During the molting period, which may last several weeks, the penguin does not enter the water tofeed.A The ability to withstand intense cold is one of the penguinsgreatest assets. Most penguins have rather small feet, wings,and heads; the relatively little surface area which resultsin excellent heat conservation. In addition, many penguins have a thick insula ting layer of fat under the skin. Some species are better equipped for cold weather than others. The emperor penguin appears to be the best equipped ofall. A Penguins usually walk or hop and toboggan along on theirbreasts, pushing with wings and feet. They swim with great speed and agility. The flippers are their sole means ofpropulsion; the feet are used for steering. Some speciesprogress by purposing, which is swimming underwater somedistance, emerging in a graceful arc to take a fresh breath, and submerging again. Penguins feed on fish, cuttlefish,crustaceans, and other small sea animals. A Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even atsea. On land the colonies often number in the hundreds of thousands. Although the birds have suffered greatly at the hands of humans, who have slaughtered great numbers for theirblubber and, more recently, for their skins, the inaccessibility of the Antarctic region has helped preservethe group. Natural enemies of the penguin include leopardseals, killer whales, and, in the case of young chicks and eggs, skuas. Penguins are wonderful gentle creatures. I hope you like them as much as I do. Bibliography:

Penguins Analysis Essay Example For Students

Penguins Analysis Essay I They are small white and black bird like creatures that live incold regions. Penguins are the most fascinating creature around. A Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head. Many species exhibit red, orange, or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are placed far back on their bodies, penguins assume an upright posture. B Penguins are grouped into 18 species and 6 genera, most ofwhich are found in Antarctica and on subantarctic islands.Others are native to the coasts of Australia, South Africa, and South America and to the Galapagos Islands. C The largest species are the king penguin, from 36 to 38 inches in height, and the emperor penguin, which may attain a height of more than 48 inches. Both species are found on the Antarctic ice barrier. The king penguin is also found in Tierra del Fuego and on eight islands in the southern hemisphere. The smallest penguin is the little blue penguin of Australia and New Zealand; its height is 16 inches or less. Unlike most species, the king, emperor, and little penguins have blue-gray backs. Another distinguishing feature of the king and emperor penguins is the presence of bright reddish or pinkish shields on the sides of their mandibles and large orange or yellow patches on the sides of their necks. D Although descended from flying ancestors, penguins havebecome highly specialized for swimming; their stiffly held wings resemble the paddles of other swimming vertebrates. Penguins do not have specific feather tracts, as do mostbirds, but are covered almost uniformly with small, scalelike feathers. Whereas most birds shed their feathers and grow new ones during a relatively long period of theyear, penguins molt all of their feathers and, in somespecies, even shed the shields from the beak within a shortspace of time. A molting penguin has a swollen, untidyappearance; it loses its feathers in huge patches as newfeathers appear. During the molting period, which may last several weeks, the penguin does not enter the water tofeed.A The ability to withstand intense cold is one of the penguinsgreatest assets. Most penguins have rather small feet, wings,and heads; the relatively little surface area which resultsin excellent heat conservation. In addition, many penguins have a thick insula ting layer of fat under the skin. Some species are better equipped for cold weather than others. The emperor penguin appears to be the best equipped ofall. A Penguins usually walk or hop and toboggan along on theirbreasts, pushing with wings and feet. They swim with great speed and agility. The flippers are their sole means ofpropulsion; the feet are used for steering. Some speciesprogress by purposing, which is swimming underwater somedistance, emerging in a graceful arc to take a fresh breath, and submerging again. Penguins feed on fish, cuttlefish,crustaceans, and other small sea animals. A Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even atsea. On land the colonies often number in the hundreds of thousands. Although the birds have suffered greatly at the hands of humans, who have slaughtered great numbers for theirblubber and, more recently, for their skins, the inaccessibility of the Antarctic region has helped preservethe group. Natural enemies of the penguin include leopardseals, killer whales, and, in the case of young chicks and eggs, skuas. Penguins are wonderful gentle creatures. I hope you like them as much as I do. Bibliography:

Penguins Analysis Essay Example For Students

Penguins Analysis Essay I They are small white and black bird like creatures that live incold regions. Penguins are the most fascinating creature around. A Most penguins have a white breast and a black back and head. Many species exhibit red, orange, or yellow patches on the head and neck. Because their short legs are placed far back on their bodies, penguins assume an upright posture. B Penguins are grouped into 18 species and 6 genera, most ofwhich are found in Antarctica and on subantarctic islands.Others are native to the coasts of Australia, South Africa, and South America and to the Galapagos Islands. C The largest species are the king penguin, from 36 to 38 inches in height, and the emperor penguin, which may attain a height of more than 48 inches. Both species are found on the Antarctic ice barrier. The king penguin is also found in Tierra del Fuego and on eight islands in the southern hemisphere. The smallest penguin is the little blue penguin of Australia and New Zealand; its height is 16 inches or less. Unlike most species, the king, emperor, and little penguins have blue-gray backs. Another distinguishing feature of the king and emperor penguins is the presence of bright reddish or pinkish shields on the sides of their mandibles and large orange or yellow patches on the sides of their necks. D Although descended from flying ancestors, penguins havebecome highly specialized for swimming; their stiffly held wings resemble the paddles of other swimming vertebrates. Penguins do not have specific feather tracts, as do mostbirds, but are covered almost uniformly with small, scalelike feathers. Whereas most birds shed their feathers and grow new ones during a relatively long period of theyear, penguins molt all of their feathers and, in somespecies, even shed the shields from the beak within a shortspace of time. A molting penguin has a swollen, untidyappearance; it loses its feathers in huge patches as newfeathers appear. During the molting period, which may last several weeks, the penguin does not enter the water tofeed.A The ability to withstand intense cold is one of the penguinsgreatest assets. Most penguins have rather small feet, wings,and heads; the relatively little surface area which resultsin excellent heat conservation. In addition, many penguins have a thick insula ting layer of fat under the skin. Some species are better equipped for cold weather than others. The emperor penguin appears to be the best equipped ofall. A Penguins usually walk or hop and toboggan along on theirbreasts, pushing with wings and feet. They swim with great speed and agility. The flippers are their sole means ofpropulsion; the feet are used for steering. Some speciesprogress by purposing, which is swimming underwater somedistance, emerging in a graceful arc to take a fresh breath, and submerging again. Penguins feed on fish, cuttlefish,crustaceans, and other small sea animals. A Penguins are gregarious birds and are found in flocks even atsea. On land the colonies often number in the hundreds of thousands. Although the birds have suffered greatly at the hands of humans, who have slaughtered great numbers for theirblubber and, more recently, for their skins, the inaccessibility of the Antarctic region has helped preservethe group. Natural enemies of the penguin include leopardseals, killer whales, and, in the case of young chicks and eggs, skuas. Penguins are wonderful gentle creatures. I hope you like them as much as I do. Bibliography: